Books To Read In February
The best way to meet the last winter month is to equipt yourself with engaging reading for still dark February evenings. To help you with selection, we have highlighted the newest February editions to facilitate your pick. Mystery or thriller, literary fiction or historical novel, memoirs or lifestile guidlines - choose for whatever taste you have.
Those who love mystery and thriller should enjoy this gripping novel of secrets found within the family, especially where the wife terminates being herself, just like in Gone Girl or The Girl on the Train.
It's a debut novel, which explores a human status when you face the reality of soon approaching death as opposed to the one you are in at the beginning of your journey. And what awaits in-between. It's in equal parts a mystery and a testament to the profound connection between a child and parent.
This novel belongs to a category of historical stories depicting the rural France in historical detail and telling of love that conquers time and of the lost loves that haunt us all.
What to do when after your farther's death you inherit his desk and 1800 pounds of porn? Explore his possessions and write a memoir.
Discover Portugal throughout the century. Start the quest in Lisbon of 1904 and finish almost hundred years later in the village in northern Portugal, getting involved in part ghost story, part contemporary fable.
The book is for those who still are looking for how to organize their life and career by simply applying the right approach to daily routine. Written by economist and former partner at consulting powerhouse McKinsey it provides seven practices that are central to having a good day.