Women's Prize For Fiction 2024 Longlist Announced
The Women’s Prize for Fiction is one of the most successful, influential and popular literary prizes in the world, championing and amplifyin

Book Review: Tess Gunty's The Rabbit Hutch
"On a hot night in Apartment C4, Blandine Watkins exits her body."- it's a new opening phrase that contagiously circles the modern literary

The 2022 International Booker Prize Longlist Announced
The 2022 International Booker Prize judges have announced the longlist of the candidates for this annual prestigious literary award, which m

John Grisham To Release His New Book This May
One of the most productive writers in the world John Grisham takes advantage of COVID to present his readers with yet another book. This tim

The First John Grisham Basketball Novel To Be Released This April
John Grisham points his creative powers towards the field of sports. It's his fourth attempt but the first covering the basketball theme (he