Writers, Tennis Players and Games of Death In September Drama On Screens
Who doesn't love a serious drama on screens? Even if you don't, there's still a room for reflections afterwards to argue on the idea,...
Horrible September Haunting Cinema Theatres
Weekends are always met with a whole rainbow of emotions. Someone's ready for a quality family time, the other can't wait to plunge into...
September Brings Back Action To The Screens
It is over. The hottest and most relaxing season is gone. On a rainy day you can't expect an upcoming week to become warmer. The...
Jubilee Pardo D'Oro Travels From Locarno To China
The 70th cinema fiesta is leaving Locarno. After 10-day marathon of festival screenings and intense Jury work the awards finally were...
From Shotguns To Punches And Car Chases In August Action And Thriller
Your sun-tanned body stretched lazily down on a comfy beach chair with sleepy eyes wondering over horizon, your left hand reaching out...
August Drama Features Past and Present
Going through a personal drama of fading summer holidays? Better leave dramas for big screens. Despite a still continuing high holiday...
New Comedy, Horror and Animation To Survive August Heat
The first weekend in August slides on a heat wave bringing absolute laziness and stiffness. Too hot to move unless it's a step towards...
Jo Nesbo's The Snowman Releases The First Trailer
It's a payback time! Finally the trailer for one of the most hotly anticipated thrillers of the year has arrived! The adaptation of Jo...
Golden Leopard of Locarno To Leap For The 70th Time
Summer revives cinematography by popping up with a number of international film festivals all over the world. One of them is...
Poor July Choice Of New Horror, Comedy and Animation
High summer season rarely includes planned visits to cinema. However, if on a spur of a moment you decide to entertain yourselves or your...