Christmas With New December Comedy, Horror, Family And Animation
The longest TV watching time has arrived. Christmas movies you've seen thousand times are on screens again to produce tender t

Top 5 Of New December Book Releases For Your Holiday Relax
Christmas madness is in the centre of its whirlpool, so it's seems it's too complicated just to breathe out with a cup of herbal tea by your

Enjoy Your Weekend With New December Action And Thriller
While others are roaming shopping malls in search of the best ever Christmas presents, you'd better sneak into a hall of the cinema theatre,

An Advent Calender of New December Drama Movies
December releases so many new drama movies that it migt look almost as an advent calender with a different movie each night. A bunch of them

Anatomy Of A Fall Announced The Best European Film Of The Year
Europe has already chosen their best films. The 36th European Film Awards noted the ones who excelled the most this year.