New May Comedy and Horror Movies For Your Weekend
The researchers say that feeling fear for some people is a lot of fun, but they also are aware that what they fear is a very unrealistic fak

New May Drama Movies For Those Who Love Them
The recent Performance Research & Full Circle Research Co. survey shows that 70 percent of Americans would rather watch new movies at home,

New May Action And Thriller Movies
It's Friday again and it's time to get some action together with such action heroes as Jason Statham, Mads Mikkelsen, Dave Bautista or even

Book Review: Jhumpa Lahiri's Whereabouts (Dove Me Trovo)
Lahiri writes a story without a story. It centres around an unnamed woman presumably in her forties in an unnamed city. She lives alone, wit

Top 5 Of New May Books For Those Who Still Are Obssessed With Reading
What are you reading this month? Or perhaps the question should be reshaped into the following: are you still reading at all when days grow

The 2021 Edgar Allan Poe Awards Announced Their Winners
Last week the best in mystery fiction, non-fiction and television published or produced in 2020 were honored at the 75th Annual Edgar Allan